Cosmoprof Asia
Singapore 2022
Exhibiting #sustainable #organic #lipbalms by OYESS Beauty GmbH and #vegan #haircare with fancy #scents by Jean&Len at Cosmoprof Asia #CosmoprofAsia thanks to IKW Industrieverband Körperpflege- und Waschmittel e. V. and @LandesmesseStuttgart
Stop by in the German pavilion HALL 3- D29

Branch Office
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Branch Office in Seoul:
We made the decision to open an office in Seoul. The pandemic has presented us with challenges and made it difficult to communicate with local partners. Therefore, our managing director Florian Gablenz will be on site in Korea from June 2021 and will intensively maintain contact with local distributors and monitor market developments more closely.
The German headquarters will of course remain in place.
Mr. Callaghan and Mr. Maith will hold the fort in Germany and maintain a close relationship with home base principals.

Henry Callaghan
Managing Partner
KONON GmbH X Callaghan International GmbH form strategic Partnership:
Henry Callaghan, 43 years old. Lived in Hong Kong from 2007 to 2015 (9 years) - during which time he founded East Venture Industries (Hong Kong) Ltd. and formed a joint venture called intact (HK) Ltd. with a German manufacturer. In 2015 he sold the company with a team of 18 employees at that time. Former international sales manager of sanotact GmbH (2016 - 2020). Full-blooded entrepreneur and excellent international network. Asia expert with more than 20 years of experience in Asian markets and cultures. Owner of Callaghan International GmbH, specialized in branded health and beauty products.
His company Callaghan International GmbH is a new shareholder of KONON GmbH. With this joint venture we will realize synergies and network effects for our principals.